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What Is the Lasting Damage of a Severe Burn Injury in Houston, TX?

What Is the Lasting Damage of a Severe Burn Injury in Houston, TX?

Fire is a mixed blessing. It is a critical part of the development of the human race and continues to serve people to this day. Your car, stove, and water heater all probably use fire. But as positive as this element is to everyday life, fire also represents a significant threat.

Even the least dangerous fire is hot enough to injure or melt skin. And it doesn’t take very long for fire to cause severe damage to a person. The lasting damage of a severe burn injury can be horrific, especially if it isn’t treated promptly.

The Long-Term Complications of Burns

Burn injuries are caused when your skin is overexposed to heat, usually from fire, radiation, sun, chemicals, or electrical contact. The most severe burns cause damage to more than just the skin. The damage continues below the skin, damaging fat and other soft tissue beneath. Listed below are some of the long-term complications of burns.

Painful Healing

Unfortunately, for many people who suffer serious burns, the healing process is nearly as painful as the initial injury. Severely burned flesh often results in painful blisters that continue throughout the healing process. These blisters need to be regularly cleaned, which is also extremely painful. 

While the healing process continues, most victims suffer:

  • Uncontrollable itching
  • Overheating because the affected skin can’t sweat
  • Dryness and cracking of the affected area
  • Extreme sensitivity to temperatures and sun exposure

Unfortunately, little can be done to prevent this pain, and it can last months, years, or longer.

Psychological Ramifications

Any incident that results in a serious burn is likely to cause serious psychological pain. For example, if you were burned in an oil refinery accident, you may face a lifetime of post-traumatic stress from that incident.

Additionally, serious burns often cause significant disfigurement. This type of damage may not be life-threatening, but it affects the psyche of the victim. Many victims of serious burns become depressed or suffer anxiety.

These repercussions can be almost as devastating as physical pain if not properly treated. Depression can result in suicidal thoughts in the worst-case scenario. This means that most victims of serious burns will require some type of therapy, usually for the rest of their lives.

Assume that you were seriously burned due to the negligence of another. If that is the case, you are likely eligible to file a personal injury claim to obtain damages for that injury. But what can you get in damages?

That is a challenging question because severe burn injuries can take so long to recover from. Typically, an attorney wants to wait until you have fully healed from an injury before filing a lawsuit. But that probably isn’t possible when you are facing years of painful surgery and a lifetime of therapy.

The statute of limitations for most personal injury claims in Texas is only two years. Typically, your injuries won’t have fully healed two years after suffering a serious burn. That means you have to file a lawsuit while still in recovery. It isn’t an impossible situation, but it means you need a very experienced burn injury lawyer representing you when taking legal action.

Burn Injuries Result in Lifelong Effects

Unfortunately, any severe burn injury will result in a lifetime of treatment. This is a terrifying proposition, but with the right support from good doctors and lawyers, you can push past the pain and return to a mostly normal life.

Contact the Undefeated Houston Personal Injury Lawyers from Zehl & Associates Injury & Accident Lawyers for Help Today

For more information, please contact our Undefeated personal injury attorneys in Texas at Zehl & Associates Injury & Accident Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.

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(888) 603-3636
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(432) 220-0000
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