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$35 Million Settlement Awarded to Family of Fort Worth Woman Killed by Distracted Ben E. Keith Truck Driver

Fort Worth Truck Accident Lawyer - 18 Wheeler Accident Attorney

Undefeated Texas 18 Wheeler Truck Accident Lawyers Win Record Settlement in Deadly Fort Worth I-35 Crash

Zehl & Associates is pleased to announce a record-breaking $35 million settlement on behalf of the Longoria family - the #1 largest single-plaintiff personal injury settlement in Fort Worth history.

A Ben E. Keith truck crashed into Susana Longoria, tragically killing her at the scene. Susana had pulled over on the left side of Interstate 35 in Fort Worth, Texas after being involved in a minor fender-bender. She was only on the road for around 2 minutes before Ben E. Keith driver, Larry Czaplinski, crashed into her and others on the shoulder of the road. She left behind her parents and young daughter.

Our Texas truck accident lawyers quickly discovered that the portion of Interstate 35 where the crash occurred has “No Trucks in Left Lane” signs posted along the route. Despite this, Ben E. Keith’s driver was in the left lane leading up to the crash.

The team at Zehl dispatched its accident reconstruction team to photograph and analyze the scene of the crash, as well as experts who performed downloads of the ECM device (black box) on Ben E. Keith's 18-wheeler. The results of these inspections uncovered that the Ben E. Keith driver had his throttle maxed out at 100% leading up to the crash. The data also showed that the driver never applied his brakes before the crash, indicating he was not paying attention to the road ahead of him.

This matched up with the body camera footage Zehl obtained from the responding Fort Worth police officers, which showed Ben E. Keith’s driver admitting at the scene of the crash that he “looked up” prior to impact - confirming that he was not paying attention to the road and vehicles ahead of him.

Ben E. Keith adamantly denied gross negligence leading up to trial. However, during the course of the truck accident lawsuit, Zehl & Associates discovered that the safety department at Ben E. Keith, one of the nation’s largest food distributors, removed all dash cameras from their vehicles before this crash occurred. Ben E. Keith in years prior had utilized a full-scale driver monitoring system that used both forward- and rear-facing cameras. At the time of the crash, though, Ben E. Keith did not have any cameras in any of its vehicles because the company had made the decision to remove them.

Zehl took the deposition of Ben E. Keith’s corporate represented and forced him to admit, under oath, that that removing the cameras decreased Ben E. Keith driver safety. He further admitted that having no cameras on a fleet of around 2,000 vehicles was far below the industry’s standard of care.

Zehl & Associates attorneys also discovered the driver’s cell phone was active at the time of the crash. Zehl Associates hired one of the best forensic cell phone examiners in the country, who downloaded the contents of the driver’s two cell phones, company tablet, and Apple Watch. The downloads showed the driver had an application open at the time of the crash on his company-issued cell phone. Because of this, Zehl’s distracted driving expert concluded that Ben E. Keith’s driver was distracted at the time of the crash.

Because this crash happened at night, Zehl & Associates investigated whether the driver was fatigued. By sending targeted discovery to certain medical providers, Zehl quickly learned that the defendant driver had untreated sleep apnea. Although he was diagnosed with sleep apnea in the years before the crash, Ben E. Keith’s driver never cleared that diagnosis while driving at night for Ben E. Keith.

Zehl & Associates had experience litigating cases involving fatigue-related crashes and knew that investigating driver fatigue would be central to this case. In essence, Zehl & Associate discovered that Ben E. Keith was dispatching a driver at night with untreated sleep apena. Zehl & Associates hired a world-renowned sleep expert who concluded that the Ben E. Keith driver was suffering from fatigue-related symptoms at the time of the crash. This matches up with the information Zehl obtained from the forensic download of the driver’s phone, which showed that the driver was awake during the day on the weekend before the crash, which is evidence that the driver suffered from an inverted sleep schedule. This compounded his fatigue and fatigue-related symptoms at the time of the crash.

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Record Workplace Accident Settlement for Worker Injured While Installing Fiber Optics Cable

Telecommunication Worker Injured Installing Fiber Optic Cable

Undefeated Houston Work Injury Lawyers

Our client worked in the fiber communications industry as a telecommunications worker. He was hired on as an independent contractor to run and lash fiber optics across miles of utility poles on a fiber-to-the-home project spanning approximately 3,000 miles in East Texas. Visuffered third-degree electrical burns injuries while working this project.

The vast majority of the project consisted of standard two-phase power construction: two electric primary lines and one neutral line below the primary lines. However, on the stretch that Victor was working, the powerline construction was different. In this sector, powerline construction was two-phase shielding—meaning the neutral line was above the two electric primary lines, instead of below.

Victor got to a pole with two-phase shielding power construction. Unbeknownst to Victor, he would be working mere inches away from an electric primary line. Victor ascended the pole, he swapped his lasher from one side of the pole to the other; and as Victor was getting ready to tie off his lashing cable, his equipment incidentally came into contact with the electric primary.

Victor’s burns were extensive. He was hospitalized for a week. He required multiple skin graft surgeries.

We filed suit against the electric co-op, the design engineers, the general contractor, the make-ready construction contractor, and the subcontractor that hired Victor as an independent contractor. Initially, all of these companies blamed Victor.
They said:

  • He should been able to recognize the difference between a neutral line and a primary;
  • He should have known he needed to keep a proper clearance distance between himself and any type of powerline;
  • He should have worn proper protective equipment (he was not wearing insulated gloves);
  • He should used an insulated bucket truck, instead of climbing the pole;
  • He and his crew should have done a job safety analysis to recognize the hazards before beginning work, etc.

We knew these defenses were out there. But we also knew that the construction specifications for the project contradicted the National Electric Safety Code, and compromised worker safety. We took over 17 depositions, and we learned that none of the companies in charge of the project fully appreciated the fact that there were different types of power construction, or that the construction specifications were at odds with the NESC. None of the companies in charge were vetting subcontractors, like Victor, for their knowledge and experience in working around powerlines. The companies in charge were not performing adequate quality control on each other’s work before sending communication workers, like Victor, out in the field.

We argued that each of these companies’ negligence built on one another, and created a snowball effect. The mounting negligence by all of companies culminated in Victor—who, by all accounts was unqualified to be working in this particular sector of the project—working on a utility pole and getting catastrophically burned.

The defendants fought us tooth and nail all the way down to the eve of trial. By the end of the case, the companies started blaming one another for the incident—while still blaming Victor all the while.

Victor’s case settled on the Courthouse steps.

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$37.5 Million Truck Accident Verdict in Dallas, Texas

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer  Dallas 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer

Ryan Zehl, Matt Greenberg, and Mike Streich secured a $37.5 Million Verdict after a two-week trial against Oncor Electrical Company for the family of a truck driver who was tragically killed in a collision in Dallas, Texas.

An Oncor Electric Company lineman was driving a service truck on I-635 West when he slammed into the back of our client's 18 wheeler, which was disabled between the highway shoulder and the far outside lane.

Our client was outside his vehicle inspecting it when the collision occurred. 

Pretrial Settlement Offer: $5 Million

Total fees and expenses: $9,120,000


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$8 Million Policy-Limits Settlement Awarded to Family of Stevedore After 2-Week Trial in Brazoria County

Houston Maritime Lawyers - $8 Million Settlement

We are proud to announce a $8,000,000 full policy limits settlement by Zehl & Associates’s lawyers Matt Greenberg and Mike Streich. The settlement was finalized minutes before closing arguments after 2 weeks of trial in Brazoria County.


Our clients’ father, Jose Mireles, a union laborer, was loading an 18,000-pound crane part onto a trailer at the Horizon Terminal Services terminal at the Port of Freeport when one of the crane parts fell on him.  He was tragically killed almost instantly.

Jose was a giant of a man, who left behind a loving family, including three children – all of whom were represented by Zehl & Associates.

Jose’s death had a profound effect on his children, who, from the witness stand, somberly recounted the great void left in their lives by their father’s death.

Matt Greenberg and Mike Streich repeatedly demonstrated—through compelling testimony and evidence at trial—that although Horizon promised to supervise, oversee, and provide a safe workplace for the union labor, it did nothing to actually fulfill that promise. Instead, it left the union labor workers to fend for themselves.

Before trial, Horizon never offered more than $150,000 to settle the case.

We are honored to have had the opportunity to get this delightful family the justice they deserved.

Total fees and expenses: $3,845,000


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$7.6M Verdict* Won for Jones Act Seaman in Louisiana Federal Court

Huge Verdict Won for Jones Act Seaman in Louisiana Federal Court

Walter Jackson was tragically killed on an offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

The platform owner Talos ERT, LLC was ordered by the federal government to remove corroded piping on the cellar deck. Important safety rules were ignored, and Walter Jackson, who was working as a contractor on the project, paid for the platform owner’s recklessness with his life.

The companies and their lawyers did everything possible to try to avoid responsibility, including blaming our deceased client.  The company insisted that we would lose the case at trial and, committed to paying our client as little as possible, refused to offer more than $400,000 to settle the case.

Maritime Lawyers - Zach McFarlane and Justin Warner - along with the help of Marla Medina, fought back, rejected the insulting settlement offer, and took the case to trial, where a Western District of Louisiana jury awarded our client $7,588,000. 

We’re honored and proud to have had the opportunity to represent Ms. Jackson and get her the justice and closure she deserves.

* The verdict is currently on appeal

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$11 Million Settlement for Bus Passengers Injured in Drunk Driving Crash

Houston bus crash lawyers get $11 Million Settlement for passengers injured in drunk driving crash Zehl & Associates is proud to announce the recovery of a $11 million settlement on behalf of two clients who were injured when a bus driver flipped a bus while intoxicated. During our investigation into the crash, our trial team learned that one of the nation’s largest bus companies systematically failed to test its driver for alcohol use. In fact, for this driver, the company never required its driver to take any kind of alcohol test. When asked about its policy in depositions, the company and its lawyers claimed it simply didn’t need to test its drivers. This crash proves them wrong. Our Bus Crash Lawyers also discovered that the bus company had left all drivers at its local terminal completely unsupervised for months leading up to the crash. Again, the company claimed that it just didn’t need to supervise its drivers each day. This combination of lack of testing and lack of training was completely preventable had the company used simple common sense and followed industry standards. This settlement will ensure that our clients can try to put the pieces of their lives back together. Attorney’s fees and expenses: $4,813,000

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$32 Million Settlement for West Texas Family Injured by Fatigued Oilfield Truck Driver

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer | Houston Semi Truck Accident Attorney An over-worked oil field truck driver fell asleep behind the wheel, crossed the dividing median and struck our client and his family head-on. They were fortunate to survive the crash. After spending 4 weeks in the hospital, our clients hired our Undefeated Oilfield Truck Accident Lawyers, who were able to obtain a record-setting $32 Million settlement less than 9 months after filing the lawsuit. Total fees and expenses: $13,410,000

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$20 Million Settlement for Texas Truck Accident Victim

Our undefeated truck accident lawyers are pleased to announce another record-setting settlement against one of the largest trucking companies in North America.

We represented the wife of a 64 year-old man who was tragically killed in a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler on a two-way FM road 40 miles northeast of Houston.

The trucking company and its driver strongly disputed liability, claiming that our client was driving the wrong way (eastbound) in the 18-wheeler driver's (westbound) lane.

We were able to prove, through over 20 depositions, the 18 wheeler's black-box data, and an extensive reconstruction of the crash, that the 18-wheeler driver was distracted by his cellphone at the time of the crash and had lied to the investigating officer at the scene about our client driving in the wrong lane.

The settlement was reached on March 2, 2023, just minutes before closing arguments in a 3-week trial in Harris County.

The day before trial began, the trucking company's lawyers offered $7 million to settle the case.

Expenses and fees: $8,943,000

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$55 Million Settlement for Oilfield Burn Victim

Houston Oilfield Accident Lawyers | $55 Million Settlement for Burned Oilfield Worker

Our Undefeated Houston Oil Field Injury Lawyers recovered a record $55 Million settlement for an oilfield worker who sustained second and third degree burns while working on an oil rig in Odessa, TX.  We were able to successfully resolve the case for our client and his family less than 13 months after filing the lawsuit.

Expenses and fees: $22,687,000

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$30 Million Settlement for Injured Offshore Worker

Houston Maritime Lawyers | $30 Million Jones Act Injury Settlement

Our Undefeated Maritime Lawyers recovered a $30 Million settlement for a Jones Act seaman who sustained a mild to moderate traumatic brain injury while working offshore.  The rig owner disputed our clients injuries and initially offered $1.5 million to settle the case.

Expenses and fees: $12,415,000

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Record $85.7 Million Settlement for Injured Refinery Worker

Houston Refinery Injury Lawyer | Texas Refinery Accident Lawyer Zehl & Associates recently secured a $85.7 million settlement on behalf of a seriously injured refinery worker.  The worker suffered a traumatic brain injury as well as spinal injuries when he fell from an improperly constructed scaffold.  The settlement was secured after 14 months of contentious depositions and the defendant’s failed attempt to have the case dismissed on summary judgment. Expenses and fees: $35,020.000

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$62 Million Settlement for Oilfield Worker Injured in West Texas Oil Rig Explosion

Best Oilfield Accident Lawyer | Houston Oilfield Explosion Lawyers Ryan Zehl and Eric Allen obtained a record-setting $62 million settlement for an oilfield worker who suffered significant burn injuries in a blowout in West Texas.  The case settled 3 weeks before trial and is the largest in the defendant’s history. Total fees and expenses: $25,195,213

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$15.2 Million Settlement for an Injured Texas Oil Field Worker

Houston Oilfield Accident Lawyer | Texas Oilfield Injury Lawyer Our client, an oilfield worker, suffered serious neck and back injuries when he fell through an unbarricaded hole at a rig site in West Texas. The workers comp doctors, who were selected by his employer, trivialized his injuries and claimed he was able to return to work. After taking numerous depositions and proving that our client's injuries were much more severe than reported by the workers’ comp doctors, our Oilfield Accident Lawyers obtained a record $15.2 million settlement for our client and his family. Total fees and expenses: $7,281,000

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$32 Million Settlement for Family Injured by Fatigued Oilfield Truck Driver

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer | Houston Semi Truck Accident Attorney An over-worked oil field truck driver fell asleep behind the wheel, crossed the dividing median and struck our client and his family head-on. They were fortunate to survive the crash. After spending 4 weeks in the hospital, our clients hired our Undefeated Oilfield Accident Lawyers, who were able to obtain a record-setting $32 Million settlement less than 9 months after filing the lawsuit. Total fees and expenses: $13,410,000

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$12.1 Million Settlement for Woman Injured by Commercial Truck Driver

Truck Accident Lawyer | Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Zehl & Associates recently settled a case on behalf of a young woman who suffered serious injuries in a commercial truck accident.  Although our client the right-of-way, the trucking company contested liability and tried to blame her for the crash.  Our truck accident lawyers defeated the defendants’ baseless arguments and obtained a $12.1 million settlement for our client. Total fees and expenses: $5,298,000

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$14 Million Settlement for Worker Electrocuted at Texas Refinery

Houston Refinery Accident Lawyer | Best Houston Refinery Injury Lawyer Ryan Zehl recently obtained a $14 million settlement on behalf of a worker who was electrocuted while performing maintenance at a Texas refinery. The defendant negligently bypassed the lock-out mechanism and activated the power before the work was complete. Electrical injuries are complex and are often associated with life-long medical needs. Zehl & Associates established that our client's injuries required substantial future medical care and prevented him from returning to work for the indefinite future. Total fees and expenses: $6,197,230

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$90 Million Settlement for Oilfield Burn Victim

Largest Oilfield Burn Settlement in History | Record Setting $90 Million Oilfield Settlement

#1 Largest Oilfield Accident Settlement in US History for Burn Victim

Ryan Zehl and the Oilfield Accident Lawyers at Zehl & Associates recently obtained a $90 Million Settlement on behalf of a Texas contractor who was severely burned when an oil well exploded during a workover project. The settlement is the #1 Largest Oilfield Accident Settlement and the #1 Largest Oilfield Burn Injury Settlement in US History. If you or a loved one were injured, catastrophically burned, or tragically killed while working in the oilfield, contact our Undefeated Houston Oilfield Accident Lawyers at 1-888-603-3636 or by Clicking Here. All consultations are free, and you won't pay a dime unless we win your case. Total fees and expenses: $36,693,000

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Largest Truck Accident Settlement in Texas

Largest Truck Accident Settlement | Houston Truck Accident Lawyer | Houston 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer

Record-Setting $23.5 Million Truck Accident Settlement

Our Undefeated Texas Truck Accident Lawyers are pleased to announce a record-setting $23.5 million settlement on behalf of a client who was seriously injured and whose wife was tragically killed after being hit head-on by a commercial truck.

As a result, our client will receive the best medical care available and be able to provide for himself and his family for the rest of his life.

Click Here to Watch Our Client's Video Testimonial

You can learn more about the case and our client's experience with our firm in his testimonial video.

#1  Largest Truck Accident Settlement in Texas

The settlement is the #1 largest accident settlement in Texas and the largest in the defendant’s 66-year corporate history.

This is the 10th consecutive case in the past 12 months in which Ryan Zehl and his team have obtained a record-setting verdict or settlement for their clients.

*Total fees and expenses: $8.4 million

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$5.1 Million Settlement for Woman Rear-Ended by 18-Wheeler

Our client was rear-ended by an 18-wheeler while driving to work on I-10. The impact from the collision sent our client's vehicle into the concrete guardrail, totaling her car and injuring her neck and lower back. When the trucking company refused to take responsibility for our client's injuries, Ryan Zehl filed suit, alleging that the driver was distracted at the time of the crash and the trucking company was negligent and grossly negligent for failing to train and allowing him to use a cell phone in violation of federal law. Shortly after filing the lawsuit, Mr. Zehl obtained the truck driver's cell phone records and certified driving history, which showed that he was on his cell phone just prior to the crash and had caused 3 serious collisions in the 18 months leading up to the crash. The case settled for $5.1 Million less than 8 months after we filed the case. Attorney's fees and Expenses: $2,104,773  

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$75 Million Settlement for Workers Injured in Plant Explosion

Zehl & Associates is proud to announce a record $75 Million settlement for 6 contractors who were injured when a petrochemical plant exploded while they were performing maintenance work. The plant owner ands its team of lawyers initially refused to offer more than $750,000 to each of our clients, arguing that they were barred from filing a lawsuit and recovering any damages because the plant owner and our client's employer provided them with workers' compensation benefits. After reviewing millions of documents and taking over 45 depositions, Ryan Zehl was able to prove that the explosion should have been easily prevented and that the plant owner wasn't entitled to assert the workers' compensation defense against our clients because it wasn't a "statutory employer" under the Master and General Service Agreements. The case settled for a record $75 Million less than 2-weeks before trial. Attorney's Fees and Case Expenses: $33,147,439.

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Record Settlement for Worker who Lost His Leg on Offshore Platform

Our Undefeated Maritime Lawyers recently recovered the largest settlement in a major oil and gas company's history for a worker who lost his leg when an over-pressurized gas line exploded while he was working offshore.  You can watch our client's video testimonial by clicking here. Our client was on a platform off the coast of Louisiana bleeding pressure from a gas valve as part of a plug and abandonment ("P&A") job. The explosion traumatically amputated one of his legs and threw him overboard (into the Gulf of Mexico), where he was subsequently rescued. Prior to the incident, our client had repeatedly asked his company to provide him with a small raft so that he could perform the job without having to place his legs in front of the valve.  The company, however, rejected his requests because of "budget concerns." The case settled 3-weeks before trial for a record-setting (and confidential) amount.

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$100 Million Plant Explosion Settlement

Louisiana Plant Explosion Lawyer | Best Plant Accident Lawyer | Refinery Explosion Lawyer Our Plant Explosion Lawyers recently obtained a record-setting $100 million settlement on behalf of a group of contractors who were  injured during a plant explosion. The settlement was finalized on the third day of trial — after our lawyers had taken over 100 depositions and defeated the plant owners' numerous attempts to limit our clients to less than $50,000 in workers' comp benefits. In the words of a former client, our attorneys “kept the hammer down,” defeating every one of the plant owners' attempts to avoid responsibility and limit our clients' recoveries. The settlement is one of the largest industrial accident settlements in history, as well as the #1 largest settlement in the defendant’s corporate history. Total Fees and Expenses: $42,412,974

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$9.1 Million Settlement for Maritime Worker Injured Offshore

Ryan Zehl obtained a $9.1 Million settlement for an offshore worker who sustained a concussion and neck and back injuries while working on a jack-up rig. The Defendant—a major oil and gas company—disputed liability, as well as the extent of our client’s injuries, and refused to initially offer more than $500,000 to settle the case. After our maritime lawyers took over 20 depositions in the case, which established that the Defendant violated both company and federal safety procedures, the defendants agreed to settle the case for $9,100,000. The settlement greatly exceeded our client’s expectations and will ensure that he'll have the resources to take care of himself and his family for the rest of his life. Attorney's fees: $3,640,000 Case expenses: $554,776

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$4,000,000 Settlement for 18-Wheeler Accident Victim

Zehl & Associates is proud to announce the recovery of a $4 million settlement on behalf of our client who suffered large herniations in her neck and low back after being rear-ended by a commercial 18-wheeler. After taking the at-fault driver’s deposition and forcing him to admit under oath that he was distracted by his cell phone at the time of the collision, the trucking company's insurer increased its settlement offer by over 10 times, making the settlement the largest in the company's history. Attorney's fees: $1,600,000 Case expenses: $213,633

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$2,775,000 Settlement for Client Who Injured Back Working Offshore

Houston Maritime Lawyer - Best Maritime Lawyer - Houston Offshore Injury Lawyer Our Undefeated Maritime Lawyers are proud to report a $2,775,000 settlement for our client who injured his lower back while working offshore. While working onboard a semi-submersible rig as a deckhand, our client slipped and fell down an internal set of stairs while the vessel was in rough seas. As a result, he herniated a disc in his lower back. He had just begun to descend the stairs when the slip and fall occurred. Our maritime attorneys argued that his injury was due to the lack of a second handrail, which did not allow three points of contact, as well as the absence of non-skid on the yellow-painted metal steps. After reporting the injury to his supervisor, our client was fired. Shortly after filing the lawsuit and taking several depositions, our Maritime Lawyers were able to obtain a $2,775,000.00 for our client. Attorney's Fees: $1,040,000 Case Expenses: $79,430

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Record Settlement For Truck Accident Victim Injured by Oakley Trucking Company

Zehl & Associates is pleased to announce a $4.4 Million settlement on behalf of our client, who herniated disks in his neck and back after being rear-ended by an 18-wheeler owned by Oakley Trucking. At mediation, Oakley Trucking and its insurance company, AIG, claimed that they would never offer more than $500,000 to settle the case. We refused the settlement offer and continued to prepare the case for trial. Several weeks later, Oakley Trucking and AIG increased their offer by over 8 times, bringing the final settlement amount to $4,400,000.00. The settlement is the largest in Oakley Trucking’s history. Fees and Expenses: $2,393,659

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$2,800,000 Settlement for Injured Maritime Worker

Zehl & Associates recovered a $2.8 million settlement on behalf of an offshore worker who injured his lower back after being ordered to lift heavy steel cables over his head and into place. The job, which was being rushed, required at least 2 men to complete safely but the vessel, a drillship, was undermanned. After filing suit and conducting our investigation into what happened, we determined that the company, in addition to rushing the job and cutting corners, had failed to conduct a proper job safety analysis ("JSA") prior to beginning work. After taking the corporate safety representative’s deposition and successfully securing admissions of fault, we presented our demand to the Defendant's attorney, who settled the case for over 5 times the company's original settlement offer. Fees and Expenses: $1,396,000

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$5,400,000 Settlement for Truck Accident Victim

Zehl & Associates is proud to announce a $5.4 million settlement on behalf of our client, who suffered a concussion and a herniated disk in his lower back after being rear-ended by an 18 wheeler on the highway. Because the Defendant—one of the largest trucking companies in the country–blamed our client for the accident and disputed the extent of his injuries, it initially refused to offer more than $150,000 to settle the case. After taking numerous depositions—and less than 2 weeks before trial—-Mr. Zehl was able to obtain a $5.4 million settlement for our client and his family. Fees and Expenses: $2,332,979

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$4,800,000 Verdict Against R&L Trucking Company

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer | Houston 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer | R&L Carriers Trucking Ryan Zehl won a $4.8 Million verdict after a 5-week trial against R&L Carriers, one of the largest privately owned trucking companies in the country, on behalf of our client, who was rear-ended by one of R&L's drivers at over 65 mph.

The impact from the collision caused our client's pickup truck to rollover multiple times, causing her to suffer a mild traumatic brain injury and injuries to her back and neck. Even though the truck driver was found at fault for the collision by both the investigating police officer and the trucking company's own safety team, R&L blamed our client for the collision. The trucking company refused to offer more than $150,000 to settle the case, an amount that didn't even come close to covering her medical bills. Ryan Zehl rejected the settlement offer and took the case to trial, where the jury not only found the truck driver negligent, but also awarded punitive damages against the trucking company for hiring and failing to train the driver after he had been involved in 3 prior rear-end collisions. The Verdict is the #1 Largest Verdict in R&L's corporate history and is the first and only time the company has been ordered to pay punitive damages. Total fees and expenses: $1,865,322

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$1,300,000 Settlement for Offshore Worker

Best Maritime Lawyers in Houston - Texas Offshore Injury Lawyer - Zehl & Associates Zehl & Associates is proud to announce a $1.3 Million settlement on behalf of a Louisiana barge foreman who suffered a low back injury after being ordered to lift and carry extremely heavy plates up to a crane.  He was ultimately diagnosed with a small herniation in his lower back. Our Offshore Injury Lawyers hired liability experts that proved the supervisor should have assigned at least 2 men to complete these heavy lifts safely but, due to an improper and unqualified crew, our client was the only worker assigned to make the lifts. After taking the supervisor’s deposition—in which he admitted cutting corners in the interest of keeping down costs—the case settled at mediation for an amount that left the client with the financial resources he needed to stop working offshore while still maintaining the comfortable lifestyle he knew before the injury. Attorney's Fees: $520,000 Case Expenses: $13,100

$6,200,000 Settlement for Client Injured in 18-Wheeler Accident

Zehl & Associates is pleased to announce the recovery of a $6.2 million settlement on behalf of our client who suffered ruptured discs in her neck after being hit by a commercial truck. Following our investigation and discovery that the truck driver was using his cell phone just before slamming into our client, the Defendant company’s insurance carrier made a substantial offer to settle the case. With this recovery, our client will be able to focus on his physical and mental recovery without having to worry about how he is going to pay for it. Attorney's fees: $2,046,000 Case expenses: $353,742

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Truck Accident Lawyers Win $1.2 Million Settlement for 18-Wheeler Accident Victim

Ryan Zehl obtained a $1.2 Million settlement on behalf of a 42-year-old short-haul driver who injured his neck when he was rear-ended by an 18-wheeler traveling less than 5 miles per hour in the Port of Houston. Before we started working on the case, the insurance company told our client that they would never offer over $50,000 to settle the case. The settlement remains one of the largest arising from a low-speed/minor impact collision in the company's history. Attorney's fees: $413,500 Case expenses: $264,992

$3,400,000 Settlement

Zehl & Associates proudly announces the recovery of a $3.4 million settlement on behalf of our client who suffered serious neck and back injuries as a result of a commercial truck driver speeding in wet, dangerous conditions. During our investigation into the cause of the collision, our experts determined that the fully-loaded 18-wheeler was traveling at least 10 miles per hour over the speed limit during a torrential downpour, leaving the driver unable to stop his vehicle in time to avoid slamming into our client from behind. The force of impact herniated two discs in our client’s cervical spine, ultimately requiring him to undergo a fusion surgery. Fortunately, the procedure was a complete success. After presenting our evidence at mediation, we were able to negotiate a very favorable settlement for our client. Total Fees and Expenses: $1,544,411

$3,200,000 Verdict for Seaman Injured During Offshore Basket Transfer

Our Maritime Attorneys are pleased to announce a $3.2 million verdict on behalf of a A/B Seaman who injured his neck and lower back after being dropped over 10 feet from a Billy Pugh basket during a personnel transfer. Our verdict is the #1 Largest Verdict ever awarded against the defendant, making this the seventh consecutive trial where our Maritime Lawyers recovered the largest verdict in a company's corporate history. Total fees and expenses: $1,312,131

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$12 Million Settlement for Bus Passengers Injured in Greyhound Crash

Zehl & Associates is proud to announce the recovery of a $12 million settlement, the largest in Greyhound’s corporate history, on behalf of our clients who filed a lawsuit against Greyhound when a fatigued bus driver with untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea fell asleep at the wheel. Ryan Zehl, who was recently interviewed about the settlement, has prompted investigations into the prevalence of fatigued-related bus and truck crashes from both the Federal government and media outlets across the country. You can view Mr. Zehl's interview and related coverage in the links below:

Our Bus Accident Lawyers were the First in the United States to have Greyhound Driver Tested for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

During our investigation into the cause of the bus accident, our trial team discovered that a medical examiner with the Department of Transportation had expressed concerns five weeks before the crash that the driver in question had sleep apnea, a condition that tends to cause chronic fatigue if left untreated. Unfortunately, Greyhound ignored the examiner’s concerns and recklessly allowed the man continue driving, instead of requiring him to submit to a sleep study in order to either confirm or rule out sleep apnea. Our Bus Accident Lawyers immediately obtained a court order requiring the bus driver to submit to an overnight sleep study, making our firm the first in history to successfully compel a commercial driver to undergo an overnight sleep study for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  As expected, the results confirmed that the bus driver had moderate to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a condition, when untreated, causes chronic fatigue and increases the chances of a fatigued-related collision by up to 7 times. Just over a month later, the driver drove his bus off the road in the middle of the night, seriously injuring our clients. The settlement will ensure that our clients receive the best medical treatment available and are able to care for themselves and their families for the rest of their lives. Attorney's Fees: $4,800,000 Expenses: $519,265 Related Resources:

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$1,700,000 Settlement

$1.7 Million Settlement for Client Injured in a Bus Crash Zehl & Associates would like to announce the recovery of a $1.7 million settlement on behalf of our client who suffered a broken arm as well as a herniated disk in her neck as a result of a rollover bus accident. At mediation, the Defendant bus company refused to offer more than $250,000. With the blessing of our client, we refused the insufficient offer and began final preparations for trial. Just days before jury selection, the Defendant bus company came back to the negotiating table and met our demand. Attorney's fees: $561,000 Case expenses: $113,656

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$11,500,000 Settlement

$11.5 Million Settlement for Industrial Worker Injured in a Refinery Explosion Zehl & Associates recovered an $11.5 million settlement on behalf of a man who suffered burns and other injuries when the refinery he was working in suddenly exploded. During the course of litigation, our refinery explosion lawyers uncovered evidence of the facility owner’s negligence in the run up to the blast. As a result, the Defendant tendered a very favorable settlement at mediation. Attorney's fees: $3,795,000 Case expenses: $664,420

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$3,600,000 Settlement

$3.6 Million Settlement for Jones Act Client Injured in a Slip and Fall onboard a Jack-Up Rig Zehl & Associates is pleased to announce a $3.6 million settlement on behalf of our client who suffered herniated disks in his neck and low back after a slip and fall onboard a jack-up rig. At mediation, the company topped out with an offer of just over $1 million. We refused the offer and walked away from mediation to continue preparing the case for trial. Just a few weeks later, defense counsel re-engaged in negotiations and the case was able to settle helping the client to be financially independent for the rest of his life. Attorney's fees: $1,188,000 Case Expenses: $297,442

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$5,500,000 Settlement

$5.5 Million Settlement in Jones Act Seaman Case A worker injured on an offshore rig received a $5.5 Million settlement with the help of the attorneys at Zehl & Associates. Ryan Zehl obtained a $5.5M settlement on behalf of a Jones Act seaman who was seriously injured when a suspended load fell on his head, which resulted in a concussion as well as a neck and lower back injury. The Defendant—which was one of the largest offshore drillers in the World—disputed our client’s injuries and refused to offer more than $500,000 to settle the case. Mr. Zehl refused the settlement and, after taking depositions of the Defendant’s head of safety and the OIM on the rig, was able to obtain a settlement over 10 times the Defendant’s initial settlement offer. The settlement substantially exceeded our client’s expectations and will ensure that he will have the financial resources to receive the best medical attention and be able to care for himself and his family for the rest of his life. Attorney's fees: $1,815,000 Case expenses: $519,046

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$2,800,000 Settlement

$2.8 Million Settlement in Bus Accident Injury Case Zehl & Associates is happy to announce the recovery of a $2.8 million settlement on behalf of our client who suffered a fractured leg in a bus accident. During the driver’s deposition, he admitted to using his phone 15 times in the 30 minutes prior to losing control of the bus. As a result, the bus company came to mediation with a strong top offer of $1.5 million. Still not enough to cover the client’s future needs, we refused the offer and pressed on toward trial. Just one week before we were set to begin, the bus company came forward with a new offer of $2.8 million and the client happily accepted. Attorney's fees: $924,000 Case expenses: $144,742

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$3,300,000 Settlement

$3.3 Million Settlement in Airplane Injury Case A student injured by an airplane advertising banner received a $3.3 Million settlement with the help of the attorneys at Zehl & Associates. Eric Allen obtained a $3.3M settlement on behalf of a student who was seriously injured when an airplane unexpectedly dropped an advertising banner it was towing across a residential street. The banner and tow rope, stretched taut across the street, clotheslined the client causing her to fall from the motorcycle she was riding on and land on her head. As a result of the incident, she suffered a traumatic brain injury as well as a neck and lower back injury.  The Defendant disputed our client’s injuries and refused to offer over $300,000 to settle the case. Mr. Allen counseled the client not take the settlement and, after discovering damaging social media posts made by the Defendant, was able to obtain a settlement more than 10 times the Defendant’s initial settlement offer.  The settlement exceeded our client’s expectations and will ensure that she has the financial resources to take care of herself for the rest of her life. Attorney's fees: $1,089,000 Case expenses: $264,198

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$2,700,000 Settlement

$2.7 Million Settlement for Offshore Worker who Injured his Knee Our Maritime Lawyers recently obtained a $2.7 Million settlement on behalf of our client, who injured his right knee when he slipped on the deck of a jack-up rig in the Gulf. Our client required an arthoscopic surgery to his right knee to treat his injuries. Based on verdicts and settlements published by VerdictSearch, this settlement appears to be one of the largest settlements in a Jones Act case involving a single knee surgery since 2012. Attorney's fees:$891,000 Case expenses: $324,431  

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$1,900,000 Settlement

$1.9 Million Settlement on Behalf of Offshore Worker who Injured Shoulder The Maritime Lawyers at Zehl & Associates recently obtained a $1.9 million dollar settlement on behalf of an offshore worker who injured his right shoulder while working off the coast of Alaska. Our client’s injuries required him to undergo an arthoscopic surgery. Based on verdicts and settlements reported by VerdictSearch, the settlement appears to be one of the largest ever reported in a Jones Act shoulder injury case. Attorney's fees: $627,000 Case expenses: $177,719

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$1,950,000 Settlement

$1.95 Million Settlement on Behalf of Offshore Worker who Injured Lower Back The Offshore Accident Lawyers at Zehl & Associates recently obtained a $1.95 million settlement on behalf of an offshore worker who injured his lower back when he slipped and fell while working on an intercoastal barge. Our client fell off of a ladder onto the deck after the lights on the barge suddenly went out, causing him to injure his lower back. The settlement will ensure that our client is able to care for both himself and his family for the rest of his life. Attorney's fees: $643,500 Case expense: $297,888

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Over $1 Billion Recovered

The maritime lawyers at Zehl & Associates are proud to announce that they have recovered over $1 Billion in settlements and verdicts on behalf of their clients, including 5 of the workers who were injured when the BP Deepwater Horizon tragically exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Total attorney's fees recovered in connection with all cases included: $262,500,000 Total case expenses recovered in connection with all cases included: $374,963,114

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$3,600,000 Settlement

$3.6 Million Settlement on Behalf of Client Injured in Bus Accident Ryan Zehl and Kevin Haynes negotiated a $3.6 Million settlement on behalf of a client who injured her neck when the bus that she was traveling on rear-ended a work truck. The bus company—which is one of the largest in the Country—disputed our client’s injuries and claimed that the work truck was actually responsible for the collision. Less than 1 month after we took the deposition of the bus driver at the bus company’s head of safety,the company settled the case for over 10 times their initial settlement offer. Attorney's fees: $1,188,000 Case expenses: $113,849

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$2,100,000 Settlement

The maritime lawyers at Zehl & Associates successfully resolved a case on behalf of a crane operator who injured his neck while working offshore.  The injury required a cervical fusion at C5-C6. The case settled before trial for $2.1 Million. Attorney's fees: $693,000 Case expenses: $224,432

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BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion

Our Offshore Rig Explosion Lawyers were hired by 5 of the workers who were injured while onboard the Deepwater Horizon when it exploded on April 20, 2010.

We successfully resolved all claims against BP and Transocean for a highly favorable (and confidential amount) within 18 months of filing the cases. If you or a loved one were injured while working offshore, contact our Winning Maritime Lawyers for a free consultation at 1-888-603-3636 or by clicking here.  

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$18,800,000 Greyhound Accident Verdict

Ryan Zehl Wins $18 Million Verdict in a Three-Week Jury Trial on Behalf of Two Passengers Injured in a Greyhound Bus Accident Ryan Zehl won a $18 million verdict on behalf of a 24-year-old and 45 year-old woman who were injured on a Greyhound Bus after a three-week-long jury trial in Dallas County. Mr. Zehl successfully argued that Greyhound hired an unqualified driver, that he was improperly trained, and that he failed to control his speed, causing the bus to roll over onto its side. The jury awarded over $9 million in damages and another $8 million in punitive damages after finding that the company was grossly negligent in causing the accident. Our verdict is the #1 Largest Verdict ever awarded in Greyhound’s corporate history. Attorney's fees: $6,200,000 Case expenses: $339,121

If you or a loved one were injured in a Greyhound Bus Accident, Contact Our Undefeated Bus Accident Lawyers for a Free Consultation at 1-888-603-3636 or by Clicking Here.

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Settlement with Major Drug Company for Causing Kidney Failure

The Pharmaceutical Lawyers at Zehl & Associates Reach Confidential Settlement with Major Drug Company for Failing to Warn of Risks Associated with Taking Popular Prescription Drug. The Defective Drug Recall Attorneys at Zehl & Associates have helped thousands of people across the United States who were injured by unsafe prescription medicines, including the drugs Paxil, Avandia, Trayslol and Yaz.

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$1,000,000 Settlement

Ryan Zehl Settled Hurricane Damage Claim on Behalf of a Commercial Property Owner Ryan Zehl and Kevin Haynes represented a Houston real estate partnership that owns several large commercial office buildings around the state of Texas. One of the Houston buildings sustained significant roof damage during Hurricane Ike. When the insurance company that insured the building refused to pay to replace the roof, we filed suit in Harris County, requesting over $1 million in damages to cover the replacement costs, as well as interest and attorney’s fees. Within 4 months of filing suit, we successfully settled the case at mediation for an amount in excess of the roof’s replacement costs. Attorney's fees: $330,000 Case expense: $81,350

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Zehl & Associates Reaches Settlement with Major Pharmaceutical Company

Zehl & Associates Negotiated a Highly Favorable Settlement on Behalf of over 50 Clients who suffered Kidney Failure as a result of a popular prescription drug Zehl & Associates has reached a highly favorable and confidential settlement on behalf of over 50 clients across the United States who suffered kidney failure as a result of their use of a prescription drug.  

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Verdict 15 Times the Settlement Offer

Ryan Zehl and Tommy Servos Win Jury Trial in Fort Bend County on Behalf of Mother Injured in Car Accident Our client injured her back and neck after being rear ended by another driver while stopped at a red light with her 2 year old daughter. The defendant’s insurance company refused to settle the case for more than 75% of Ms. Holley’s medical expenses, which would have required her to pay for the medical treatment out of her own pocket. We rejected the settlement offer and took the case to trial. After only 2 days of trial, the jury awarded our client all of her medical expenses, plus damages for pain and suffering, physical impairment, and mental anguish.The total jury award exceeded the insurance company’s settlement by over 15 times.

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Houston Accident Lawyers Recover Over 8 Times the Settlement Offer

Zehl & Associates Wins Jury Trial on Behalf of Computer Executive Injured in Car Accident Houston Personal Injury Attorneys, Ryan Zehl and Kevin Haynes, were awarded over 8 times the defendant’s settlement offer in a jury trial in Montgomery County.  Our client, who was an executive at a large computer company, suffered lower back injuries when she was rear-ended by another vehicle. The jury deliberated for 4 hours before returning a verdict for our client.

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$1,500,000 Settlement for Rear End Collision

Ryan Zehl Settles Case for $1,550,000 on Behalf of Electrician Injured in Car Accident

Ryan Zehl represented David Thompson, an electrician who injured his lower back and required a lower back surgery, when he was broad-sided by a dairy truck that failed to yield the right-of-way while trying to cross the highway. The case was filed in Erath County, Texas, which is where the collision occurred and the dairy farm was based.

The dairy company’s lawyer argued that Thompson’s injury was preexisting, relying on an MRI from several months before the collision showing a bulging disk at the same level (L5-S1).

Mr. Zehl established that even if the injury existed before, it was severely exacerbated by the impact from the collision. The case was resolved at mediation, which took place only 7 months after the case was filed.

Attorney's fees: $495,000

Case expenses: $314,538

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$1,000,000 Settlement for Sexual Harassment Victim

Zehl & Associates recovered over $1 Million for a woman who was sexually harassed while working as a regional sales manager for a Forbes 500 company. Less than 1 year after filing the lawsuit, Zehl & Associates was able to prove through witnesses that the assault occurred and that the company who employed the plaintiff was responsible. The case settled for over $1 million at mediation. Attorney's fees: $330,000 Case expense: $42,149

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$350,000 Settlement for Laser Hair Removal Burns

Zehl & Associates successfully represented a woman who suffered first and second degree burns on her inner thigh after receiving laser hair removal at a medical spa. The case settled at mediation for $350,000. Attorney's fees: $115,500 Case expense: $28,640

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$2,150,000 Settlement for Commercial Breach of Contract

Zehl & Associates PC represented a CFO in a breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty case against her former business partners who failed comply with a profit sharing agreement that should have resulted in over $1,400,000 to our client. After being hired to replace our client’s previous attorney, we deposed the board of directors and the company’s president at their corporate headquarters in Newport Beach, California. Within 2 months of the depositions, we were able to resolve the case for $2,150,000. Attorney's fees: $709,500 Case expenses: $168,484