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Undefeated Houston Offshore Accident Lawyers

If you’ve been injured in an offshore accident near Houston, Texas, don’t hesitate to call Zehl & Associates Injury & Accident Lawyers. You have rights, but getting compensation from your employer, an insurance company, or another liable party can be a challenge. Our undefeated Houston offshore accident lawyers are here to level the playing field and help you fight for the top-dollar recovery you deserve.
Since our founding, offshore workers and families have trusted Zehl & Associates. We’re unbeaten Texas trial attorneys who’ve helped clients win billions in monetary awards – including some of the largest verdicts and settlements in the state’s history.
Force better results by trusting our top-rated personal injury law firm to fight for you after an offshore accident. We offer a free initial case evaluation, so contact our Houston, TX, law office today at (888) 603-3636.
Table of Contents
- How the Undefeated Attorneys With Zehl & Associates Can Help After an Offshore Accident in Houston, TX
- Why You Should Hire an Offshore Accident Lawyer in Houston
- How Much Does It Cost To Hire an Offshore Accident Lawyer?
- Filing an Offshore Injury Lawsuit in Houston, Texas – Understanding the Law
- Common Causes of Offshore Accidents in Houston
- Common Injuries Suffered in Houston Offshore Accidents
- What Should You Do After a Houston Offshore Accident?
- Statute of Limitations for Offshore Injury Compensation Claims in Texas
- What Type of Financial Recovery Can I Pursue During a Texas Offshore Injury Claim?
- Contact Our Undefeated, Experienced Houston Offshore Accident Lawyers for Legal Help
How the Undefeated Attorneys With Zehl & Associates Can Help After an Offshore Accident in Houston, TX

You shouldn’t have to struggle with the costs and consequences of a recent offshore accident on your own. However, you can’t trust the insurance company or employer to prioritize your best interests. In order to make the most of your fight for compensation, it will be important to hire an experienced Houston maritime accident lawyer to represent you.
Your choice of attorney matters. In fact, it could be the difference between a nominal settlement agreement and a life-changing monetary award.
Choosing Zehl & Associates means working with undefeated attorneys who’ve been recognized for excellence in personal injury litigation by Super Lawyers, The National Trial Lawyers, the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, The National Law Journal, and Featured Verdicts.
You’ll benefit from the personalized legal representation you deserve and have our law firm’s considerable resources behind your case every step of the way.
Focus on your recovery and let our acclaimed legal team handle the rest:
- Carefully investigate the circumstances of your offshore accident to determine how it happened and why
- Bring in expert witnesses and specialists to consult as we build your offshore injury case
- Determine which state and/or federal laws can help you recover compensation for your offshore accident injuries
- Gather critical pieces of evidence needed to build a compelling legal claim and help you leverage the best financial award possible.
- Depose co-workers, other parties aboard the vessel, your employer, and witnesses to your offshore accident
- Represent you during all conversations, negotiations, hearings, and/or appeals
- Force the defense to make a settlement offer that genuinely represents what your offshore accident case is worth.
- Have a respected Texas trial attorney bring your offshore accident case to a jury, if necessary.
At Zehl & Associates, we advocate for injured seamen, drillers, mechanics, crew, oil rig workers, and other offshore workers on a contingency fee basis. You pay nothing to hire our law firm unless we win compensation for your offshore accident case.
No win, no fee. That’s a promise we’re able to make to you.
Contact our law offices in Houston today to learn more. We offer a free initial case evaluation.
Why You Should Hire an Offshore Accident Lawyer in Houston
It’s simple: you’re much more likely to recover compensation for your offshore accident injuries. Hiring a lawyer levels the playing field and shows the defense that you won’t be pushed around, manipulated, or taken advantage of during this stressful time in your life.
Instead, you’re prepared to do whatever it takes to recover the compensation you need and deserve to get back on your feet.
Hiring a lawyer also helps to ensure that you don’t have to stress about the more technical or nuanced aspects of your offshore injury claim. You’ll have the time to concentrate on your recovery while your offshore accident attorney in Houston handles the rest.
Process the Paperwork
When you’re injured on the high seas or while working in support of a navigable vessel, several state and/or federal laws might apply. This can create a lot of paperwork. Any missteps, mistakes, or hesitation in dealing with the paperwork can be a huge barrier to getting the compensation you need and deserve.
Our offshore accident lawyers in Houston have an unrivaled knowledge of state and federal offshore accident laws, as well as extensive experience navigating claims like yours. We’ll handle the administrative elements of your claim on your behalf and work to ensure that you’re situated to recover the compensation to which you’re entitled under Texas state law and federal maritime law.
Handle Negotiations With the Insurance Company
Like other types of personal injury cases, you’re probably going to have to deal with an insurance company (or two or three) at some point in time after your offshore accident.
The insurance company will want to deal directly with you – not an experienced personal injury attorney in Houston.
When an attorney is involved, you force the insurance company (and other liable parties) to set their manipulative playbooks aside and engage in more meaningful settlement negotiations.
When you choose Zehl & Associates, we’ll represent you during any and all conversations about settling your offshore accident case and work to get you the life-changing agreement you deserve.
Represent You in Court
While most offshore accident lawsuits will settle privately, there’s always the chance that yours could go to court. When you’re represented by an experienced and respected trial attorney, the odds of this happening are much, much less.
If you do wind up in court because the insurance company won’t make you a reasonable settlement offer, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you’re represented by unbeaten Texas litigators who’ve helped clients win billions in monetary awards. Our case results set records and change the lives of the people we represent.
How Much Does It Cost To Hire an Offshore Accident Lawyer?
Getting hurt on the job can be costly – especially when you work offshore. Your injuries can require expensive and lengthy medical treatment, sideline you at work, and inhibit your ability to make ends meet.
Hiring an experienced Houston offshore accident attorney should make life easier, not more stressful. That’s why Zehl & Associates represents injured offshore workers on a contingency fee basis.
You pay absolutely nothing unless and until our law firm wins compensation for your offshore injuries.
When we win, our fee is deducted from your financial recovery. You can typically expect to pay your attorney between 33 percent and 40 percent of your award.
Learn more about our legal fees and why you’ll want our top-rated law firm to take charge of your offshore accident case. Your first consultation is absolutely free.
Filing an Offshore Injury Lawsuit in Houston, Texas – Understanding the Law
When you’re injured while working off the coast of Texas in the Gulf of Mexico, it’s different from getting hurt on the job in the City of Houston. You’re not just protected by Texas state law in these situations. Federal maritime laws may offer protection and rights, too.
Generally speaking, offshore workers will be protected by one or more of the following federal laws:
The Jones Act
The Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, gives injured seamen the right to sue their employers when they’re hurt in an offshore accident.
You’ll be considered a seaman under The Jones Act if you:
- Play an important role in operating a vessel at sea
- Spend at least one-third of your working day aboard the vessel
- Have a demonstrated work-related connection to the vessel
You won’t be covered by The Jones Act if you’re an independent contractor or spend much of your time away from the vessel.
As a seaman, you will reserve the right to sue your employer for “maintenance and cure” if they were negligent, or the vessel can be classified as “unseaworthy.”
Maintenance and cure can help you recover compensation for costs related to medical care (maintenance) and living expenses while you recover (cure).
Additional damages – including money for diminished earning capacity, pain and suffering, and emotional distress – may also be available to injured seamen under The Jones Act.
The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
Offshore workers who aren’t classified as seamen – including mechanics, engineers, harbor and dock workers – are protected under The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA).
You may qualify to seek benefits under the LHWCA if you’re injured on navigable waters or anywhere typically used for loading, unloading, repairing, or building a vessel (e.g., wharf, dock, pier, terminal).
Benefits can help offset the costs of medical care, compensate for lost wages, and pay for vocational training needed to return to work.
The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) extends benefits available under The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act to workers who are injured in accidents on temporary or permanent offshore structures within three miles of the coast of Texas – including man-made islands, oil rigs, turbines, and floating docks.
You may qualify for benefits under the OCSLA if your offshore accident happened while you were exploring, developing, or extracting national resources on something other than a ship.
Common Causes of Offshore Accidents in Houston
Working off the coast of Texas in the Gulf of Mexico can be dangerous. Whether you work in oil and gas extraction operations, shipping, or another offshore industry, you put your health and safety on the line every day. In fact, the fatality rate for offshore workers across the nation is seven times the national average.
Some of the most common causes of offshore accidents, injuries, and deaths include:
- Slip and fall accidents
- Trip and fall accidents
- Toxic exposure
- Crane and hoisting accident injuries
- Collisions with rig floor equipment
- Falling object accidents
- Chemical burns
- Basket transfer accidents
- Getting caught in/between equipment
- Helicopter accidents
- Fires and explosions
- Equipment malfunctions and defects
- Lifting accidents
Many offshore accidents happen because employers prioritize profits over employee safety. When employers cut corners to save time and money, they can create dangerous situations that put employees in harm’s way.
When you ask Zehl & Associates for help after an offshore accident in Houston, our undefeated legal team will coordinate a prompt and thorough investigation. We’ll carefully evaluate the facts and evidence of your case to fully understand why it happened, how it could have been avoided, and who’s at fault.
Common Injuries Suffered in Houston Offshore Accidents
No matter what types of injuries you’ve suffered in a recent offshore accident in Houston, Zehl & Associates will be able to help you take action in pursuit of the compensation you’ll need to move forward.
Call our offshore accident attorneys in Houston if you’ve suffered:
- Burn injuries
- Broken bones
- Nerve damage
- Crushing injuries
- Severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Concussion injuries
- Whiplash injuries
- Neck injuries
- Back injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Quadriplegia injuries
- Paraplegia injuries
- Thoracic injuries
- Amputation injuries
- Degloving injuries
- Chest injuries
- Eye injuries
- Catastrophic injuries
- The wrongful death of a close family member
You’ll have a limited time to pursue compensation for your offshore accident injuries, so don’t hesitate to contact our Houston law office for help right away. Members of our experienced legal team are always standing by to take your call.
What Should You Do After a Houston Offshore Accident?
Don’t underestimate just how important your choices and actions are after an offshore accident in Houston, TX.
If you’ve been injured while working off the coast of Houston, make sure you:
- Seek prompt medical treatment to ensure that the full scope of your injuries and trauma are properly diagnosed, treated, and documented
- Report your accident to your supervisor to ensure it is documented properly
- Document the scene of the offshore accident by taking pictures of the vessel or structure, faulty equipment, and the general area.
- Gather the names and contact information of witnesses to the accident
- Contact an experienced offshore accident lawyer near you in Houston, TX
- Gather copies of medical records, injury-related bills and invoices, wage statements, and other important pieces of evidence
Always prioritize your health and well-being. If your injuries are catastrophic, seek emergency medical treatment before doing anything else. In some cases, you might need to be airlifted from your offshore vessel or structure to the closest hospital.
Depending on where your offshore accident happens, it can be important to request to be taken to an American hospital where English is spoken so that you can engage with your medical team and make informed decisions about your care.
Whether or not your offshore injuries are catastrophic, you’ll want to make sure you contact a Houston offshore accident attorney as soon as you can after you get hurt. At Zehl & Associates, we’ll help you get the medical treatment you need, document your accident, gather critical pieces of evidence, and work toward recovering the compensation you need and deserve.
We offer a free initial case evaluation. So, don’t hesitate to contact our personal injury law firm in Houston to set a time to talk about your offshore accident case today.
Statute of Limitations for Offshore Injury Compensation Claims in Texas
You’ll have a limited time to pursue compensation after an offshore accident in Houston, Texas. The amount of time will depend on which state and/or federal law(s) your legal claims are based.
- The Jones Act: Three years from the date of your offshore accident unless the claim involves the United States government. In these situations, a two-year statute of limitations applies.
- The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act: One year from the date you’re injured in an offshore accident (two years if you’re diagnosed with an occupational disease)
- The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act: Two years from the date of an accident off the coast of Texas, pursuant to Texas state law.
- Texas Civil Personal Injury Lawsuit: Two years from the date of your offshore accident
- Texas Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Two years from the wrongful death of an offshore worker
You must file your legal claim within the applicable statute of limitations if you want to be able to recover compensation from your employer, an insurance company, or another liable party. If you miss the filing deadline, you’ll lose the right to get money for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages you’ve suffered because of the offshore accident.
Don’t stress about how to recover compensation, from whom, or what deadlines might apply to your offshore accident case. Focus on your recovery and trust Zehl & Associates’ undefeated offshore accident attorneys in Houston to handle the rest for you.
There are exceptions to these time limits, so reach out to our law office to learn more about your rights and how we can help you assert them. We’re here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What Type of Financial Recovery Can I Pursue During a Texas Offshore Injury Claim?
Again, it depends on the type of legal claim you file. Different laws provide different types of benefits and/or damages to injured offshore workers.
The Jones Act
Under the Jones Act, injured seamen can recover maintenance and cure benefits. Maintenance benefits are paid to help you cover your day-to-day living expenses while your ability to work is impaired. Cure covers medical expenses related to your treatment and rehabilitation.
Damages for pain and suffering – including emotional distress, reduced quality of life, and loss of consortium – can also be awarded if you can prove that your accident was your employer’s fault.
The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
The types of compensation available under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act are more limited in scope. This is because claims under the LHWCA can only seek economic damages, not non-economic awards.
Potential benefits that can be paid to claimants under the LHWCA include:
- Costs for necessary and reasonable medical treatment
- Lost wages, including total disability and partial disability benefits
- Vocational rehabilitation
- Death benefits
Total disability benefits, which help to offset your lost wages after an offshore accident, are calculated to equal two-thirds of your average weekly wage (AWW), which is determined by averaging your wages earned in the year prior to your injury.
Partial disability benefits—both temporary and permanent—can be paid to help offset the difference in your income before and after you return to work if your offshore accident injuries reduce your overall earning capacity.
The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
Since the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act extends the LHWCA to additional offshore workers, benefits under the two statutes are identical.
In the event that you’re able to bring a claim under Texas state law, you’ll have the right to pursue both economic and non-economic damages from your employer or another liable party, such as a manufacturer or co-worker. Punitive damages can also be awarded in a Texas civil personal injury lawsuit if it goes to trial.
You may qualify for benefits under one or more Texas state or federal laws after a maritime accident in the Gulf of Mexico. Zehl & Associates will carefully evaluate your situation, determine your legal rights, and help you execute a plan to secure all of the compensation to which you’re legally entitled.
Contact Our Undefeated, Experienced Houston Offshore Accident Lawyers for Legal Help
Have you been injured in an offshore accident near Houston, Texas? As a worker, you have rights. Zehl & Associates is here to help you explore your legal options and fight for the substantial monetary award you need and deserve.
Our Houston offshore accident lawyers have decades of experience and an unrivaled ability to take on challenging cases and win life-changing results. As undefeated Texas litigators, we’ve secured billions of dollars in jury verdicts and settlement agreements for clients like you.
Now, you can discover the kind of impact hiring our top-rated team can have on your offshore accident case. Contact our law office in Houston today to get started. Your initial case evaluation is absolutely free.
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