$9.1 Million Settlement

Two Offshore Workers Injured After Fire Breaks Out Aboard Shell Enchilada Oil Rig in Gulf of Mexico
Maritime Lawyers Win Highly Favorable Settlement for Welder Burned while Working Offshore
Rig Count Killed by Low Oil Prices
Maritime Attorneys File Suit Against Ensco
Nabors Employee Killed in Whistler Energy Platform Accident
Oil & Gas Bankruptcies Could Affect Your Jones Act Claim

$3.6 Million Settlement

$2.7 Million Settlement

Over $1 Billion Recovered

As Big Oil’s Profits Fall In Houston, TX, Workers May be at Increased Risk for Offshore Injuries

$1 Billion Settlement in Texas from Offshore Accident

President Obama Proposes New Offshore Drilling Rules to Strengthen Safety

What Is The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

Court Rules Chemical Safety Board Can Investigate Offshore Accidents

Coast Guard Proposes Rule Changes in Federal Register; Commercial Diving and Coast Guard Use of Drones Offshore

Oil Refinery Accident Calls for Chevron Safety Culture to be Questioned
Hercules Offshore Shutting Down 5 More Gulf of Mexico Oil Rigs
Low Oil Prices Causing Serious Problems for Offshore Drilling Companies, Job Cuts Imminent